Alfred & Sonia Schmutz
Phone: (403) 638-2796
Cell: (403) 559-8780
Sundre, AB
Why Use Matterhorn Forest Enterprises Ltd.?
While we fully understand the feeling of loss and sadness which the loss of trees bring (due to natural disasters, disease, aging trees, etc.), we make it our goal to bring about positive changes through our service by:
1.Reduce your "storm weariness," be it at your home or your cottage. We assess your trees for soundness, general health and the general hazard (if any) trees are posing to your yard. This will reduce stress for you.
2.Creating new growing space in your yard, thereby creating new opportunities.
3.Bringing more light into your yard, light for yourself and things you would like to grow (new trees, shrubs, lawns, garden, etc.).
4.Rejuvenating the yard's tree and shrub cover, which you and future generations can enjoy for many years to come, while maintaining the protective functions your trees and shurbs are providing (protection against wind, hail, snow, dust, noise and provision of privacy)
Through working with trees for a long time, we have fully learned to appreciate the value of trees as individuals, in groups or as a whole tree stand.
Alfred Schmutz has a vast amount of experience and training enabling him to serve you well in all aspects of tree management. These experiences include:
- 3-year forestry worker apprenticeship in Switzerland (1974-1977) including hazard tree removal, planting, tending and caring for trees
- 2-year forestry technician program at NAIT, Edmonton, Alberta (1986-1988) graduating as Forest Technician
- Employment as a Foresty Officer with the Alberta Forest Service (1988-1993)
- Self-employmnet as contractor in forestry/tree service related work (1993-present)
Good Value
We provide you with good value for your dollar, while providing courteous, friendly service, carried out in a safe, efficient manner. And while doing this, we take great care not to damage your existing vegetation, improvements and structrures. We carry out our work in the most simple and practical way in order to keep the costs down. We do carry liability insurance.
We provide utmost flexibility by:
- Offering to carry out the required work in stages according to your available funds and resources and according to the degree of hazard your trees are representing.
- Customizing the work we carry out, specifically for you! If you wish, you can buck up and limb your trees yourself and do your cleanup at your own leasure, to keep your costs down. And yet we make sure, before we leave, that the worksite is safe, that the trees lay flat on the ground and can be safely bucked up. Safety is always on our minds, be it ours, as we work, or yours if you choose to complete the task yourself!
- Carrying out the work in the optimal "window". For example, when the ground is frozen and has light snow cover it is an ideal time to carry out work to minimize the impact on lawns. And yes, we do tree work on a year-round basis.